Here's a challenge: Go ahead and sit down—turn on the TV and watch a movie on cable or regular TV. And don't mute the commercials.
How long do you think you'll last?

Value Vs. The Ad Onslaught
When ads run every 10 or 15 minutes through a movie - it gets old FAST. There's a reason why folks have turned to subscription-based offerings in droves for their films and TV shows. They're all looking for relief from a barrage of ads ruining why they even sat down to watch that movie in the first place.
The same goes for the content you're providing. Whether you're sharing on social media, your website, or at a networking event, constantly promoting yourself without delivering value is a lot like giving potential and current customers a barrage of ads. Eventually, they'll either tune you out, unsubscribe or get more irritated whenever you mention buying.
Leading With Value-Driven Content
Every day your content for your business should offer something that makes your customer's life...
Easier (Showcase content that helps them.)
Better (Interacting with your content improves their daily life.)
More Enjoyable (Your content is fun and offers relief during a busy day.)
My recommendation? Provide more beneficial, value-driven content than the promotional posts you run. Bonus points if your promotional post still ties in and offers some value-driven content. Value-driven content usually still has some ties to the final sale. That's okay. In fact, it's completely normal.
Reshaping Your Content Strategy
Your new challenge is to lead intentionally with more value-driven content.
Offer information, helpful tips, and fun facts all tied back to your business in your blog posts. (This will help your SEO by keeping folks on your site longer, tackling more keywords, and providing value that your customers might share with others.)
If you're posting on social media, at least 75% of posts should lead with value.